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KnightDogs: Notice Board
March 2, 2014
Thank you Knightdogs
Hey Knightdogs, Well as some of you already know we will not be having a team this season. The time of the Knightdogs has come to an end. We had a great run. We have had some great times over the years, hi-lited by our championship a few years ago against the Rangers. We have had many successful seasons and a very good 164-123 record (.571 pct) Along with the team’s successes I have made some great friendships and had an very enjoyable time leading our team. So many thanks. From the original meeting of Tony, Charlie and Howie, we knew we could put together a competitive team. Of course things sometimes work out better than we even imagined, and we initially recruited John, Teo, Craig, Kenny, Kenric, Leland and progressed to add Michael, Mike, Jared, Carl, Josh, Elias, Stan, Matt, Tommy, Tom, Alyn, Melvin, Vince, Pat, Carlos, Jose, Ray, Don, Jean, Sean, Pete, Aaron, Khiem, Danny, Chris, Special Ed, Junior, Serrano, and then Ryan. I am sure I missed a few. We can't forget all of our families and friends who came to see us, and our doggy Knightdog mascots of Sebastian (RIP), Volodya and Maggie. We also had happy additions to the Knightdog family- Jared, Carl, Craig and John all had babies during these years… a few happy weddings- Kenric, Vince, & Pete… and a few sad times of losses of people in our families. Ok I know I am missing a bunch of things but I am old and 8 years is a long time!! For those asking, I am not retired from playing. Work has taken up way too much time for me to concentrate and properly run this team. It was clear last year that I would have had to put much more focus on time and recruiting that I was able to. We were always scrambling for players which made last season quite difficult. We still had a very good overall record of 25-17 but it took a toll on many of us having only 3-4 players at game time and always scrambling for bodies. Anyways, it is unlikely that I will be playing this summer but I am sure I will be back on the field before you know it. I can still hit dammit. I really want to thank John, Kenric, Leland, Teo & Michael for always being there and making every Sunday great for all of these years while helping me keep my sanity. Thanks to Alyn, Ray, Carlos, Don, Jared & Jose as well as you guys were the core of the team which helped with our success and always had tons of fun. And thanks to Jay & Dianne for running an amazing league with so many competitive teams. And as a side note, we still have Knightdog sweatshirts waiting for us from Jay & Dianne from winning the division last summer. We should go out and have a couple of drinks together in a few weeks and give these out. Your fearless leader, always a Knightdog but sometimes a day cat, So as Charlie said, WHY NOT! Thank you, Softball Steve #16
April 12, 2009
2009 Season
This notice board has been replaced by emails. It is easier and more interactive.
October 7, 2007
Knightdogs SWEEP AGAIN!!!
Hey Everyone, Great job everyone today for coming back in both of our victories. There were lots of hi-lites to talk about. Kenric was our defensive star today... coming into the game with a sore arm, he had an awesome day at SS, showing great range, tracking down pop ups, nailing a guy at the plate and firing the ball many times to first to get fast runners on close plays. Kenny pitched 2 more great games against a pretty good team, a team that was in 2nd place in our division. On offense there were many things that should have made us smile today.... we had the most walks that I could remember- we got smart, took the 1st pitch, and forced them to throw us good pitches to hit which turned into lots of people on base and lots of runs. Hats off to Craig for starting the conversations of what we need to do to get our hitting back on track. (a few of us still like the $1 fine idea for pop ups!!!) Taking the 1st pitch is key for most of us. Remember I said this all along- for the most part pitchers will try to throw hard on the 1st pitch.... except when they keep walking people then look for a pitch that is grooved. Being smart is what won us these games today. Here is another great stat for everyone, in both games 6 different people scored the runs.... this means everyone contributed and we hit as a team. Next week's game we are playing another good team.... the game is at 12:00 at field T2. (it is one of the fields along 73rd Avenue) Please let me know if you will be there next week. We are playing a team called the Heavy Hitters and they split with the Queens Kings today. The rest of the season's schedule is now posted on our web site, www.knightdogs.com Have a great week everyone! Steve #16
September 30, 2007
Knightdogs Fall
Hey Everyone, Today was a rough day... We played decent (though somewhat flat) but still lost 2. Once again the Queens Kings came back from us leading them and beat us. We had 1 bad inning in the 1st game and in the 2nd, we let the creep back in. We didn't win every AB, every inning etc. Enough of that.. Here is what I saw that I really liked. Kenny pitched 2 pretty good games. He deserved at least 1 win today. Tommy made some excellent catches in the OF including 2 double plays when he threw runners out at 1st. He covered a lot of ground on those catches and showed his speed- His bat also came to life today with 3 hits. He was probably today's star of the game. Josh hit his 1st HR and is definitely swinging the bat better. Michael keeps hitting the ball well and had a bunch of RBI's and a triple. Teo is getting his stroke back and gunned someone out at 2nd from LF. Next week's game is at 12:00 at field 16. We are playing a team that was .500 going into today. I will write more later in the week. We will be missing Josh and Michael next week so please give me as much notice as possible if there is a chance you cant make it. Talk to you all soon, Steve #16
September 23, 2007
Knightdogs Sweep Sheehans/KC Whatever
hey Everyone, 2 Quick Comments- Great Pitching, Great Defense. I said I wasn't going to write this for these games but I just had to. There were so many hi-lites. Kenny was amazing and many times came up with huge pitches to end an inning. Michael was Stellar at 3B and had a monster HR. Kenric was incredible at SS. Craig make an awesome catch running into foul territory. Teo had a huge AB to walk in a key spot. Josh had some great stretches and scoops. We won 2 games as a team. As most of you know I do not write about myself... even though some of you tell me to. But today will be different. I will make some comments about myself. I am not sure if any of you noticed, but I wore my regular Knightdogs jersey today and not my Knightdogs t-shirt. Along with that I wore sweat pants that did not have holes in them like I usually wear. Although I wont comment on my playing performance, I looked damn good out there. I would also like to take some credit for bring Josh, Michael, Tommy and Robert to the team, along with the rest of you. We have a very very solid team and we will win lots of games.... though remember we have to win every AB, win every pitch, and win every inning which means we will win every game. We still need to hit though. Our team average is less than .300 and we are only averaging 3 runs a game. We have to focus on hitting singles, moving runners, walking and being aggressive on the bases. Craig did a great job stealing home today for a huge run. I AM NOT SUGGESTNG THAT WE ALL DO THAT THOUGH!! But Kenric, Tommy, Michael etc.. can get away with that. We have played 2 good defensive teams so far with some pretty good pitching. But hitting less than .300 will make the games much closer than they should be. Have a great week everyone, and the next game is against the team that knocked us out of the playoffs... at 12:00 field 13. They are a good team and we have to be on the top of our game. They are a slap happy team, love to go opposite field, and take advantage of every mental mistake. They are very aggressive and take bases as much as they can. We have to stay focused, get the ball in from the OF quickly, call timeout until the ump gives it to us, watch every runner, every player needs to communicate with each other, not throw the ball around the IF etc etc. They beat us because we took many plays for granted and played crappy defense against them. Next week is our revenge. Steve #16
September 16, 2007
Aces Down, Aces Up
Opening Day has come and gone and we definitely have a very promising team. We split with a very good team today, a team that has won this league in the past and a team that won its division in the summer and lost in the 3rd round of the playoffs very recently. Game 1 was a Leland special. He gave up 2 hits and no runs. Our defense was solid and everyone contributed. We looked like the team we did in the 1st 2 rounds of the playoffs. We had some timely hits, moved some runners and scored 3 runs. This was a complete team victory. Game 2 was more difficult. Aces Up came out fired up and angry for what happened to them in the 1st game. Leland's control was slightly off plus 1 error thus we gave them life. Even in our loss, we still had some great defensive plays... The next time we lose a game 1, think about the way Aces Up came out scoring 3 runs in the 1st inning off of someone that just shut them down that they couldn't hit. You can see why they are a top team in this league. Our bats have to wake up next week but our defense looked as good as it ever has. We would also like to thank our newest players, Michael, Tommy and Josh. You all contributed very well today and we are very glad you are on our team. Next week's game at 12:00 is on field T1 (same park, on 73rd Avenue side by the bathroom/clubhouse) We are playing KC's which is the same team as Sheehan's who we recently beat in the playoffs. Please let me know as soon as you know if you will be there. Thanks everyone and have a great week. Steve #16
August 25, 2007
New Season Starts Sunday Sept 16
Hey Everyone, A reminder that the new season starts on Sunday September 16. Not sure what time yet but it will probably be at 12:00 at Cunningham Fields (73rd Ave/Clearview Expressway/Francis Lewis Blvd) . We are looking to have a practice on Sept 9 as well. More info to come.
August 19, 2007
Thanks for a Great Season
Hey Everyone, I just want to thank everyone for playing on the Knightdogs for the summer season. We had a very good run at the end and almost made it into the league championship game. Although I wasn't planning on naming an MVP(s) for the playoffs, Leland and Teo both had outstanding playoff performances and were without a doubt our best players the past 3 weeks. You guys were both awesome you are our the Knightdog Playoffs Co-MVP's. I don't really want to go into the details about today's games but our defense let us down. We had very good pitching, good hitting, poor defense. Hats off to the Queens Kings though for taking advantage of every opportunity and exploiting our mental lapses and poor play. We won the past 2 weeks as a team and we lost today as a team. I am sincerely grateful to everyone for this season and the past few weeks were especially fun. We really looked like a damn good team with a great future. The league now knows who let the dogs out. Steve #16
August 13, 2007
Knightdogs Round 3 August 19 @ 11:00 AM
Hey Everyone, Game time is 11:00 Sunday at Cunningham Park Field #1 vs the Queens Kings. Field 1 is located at 193rd Street and Union Turnpike. The parking lot is on the Union Turnpike between 193rd Street and Francis Lewis Blvd. or I believe you can park on 193rd... FOR THE MIDWAY CREW 10:00 at the Midway- Tony will coordinate this as usual but be there at 10:00!!! Let's be focused and have a good practice before the game like we did this past week. We came out on FIRE against Sheehans... and we have to do this again. If you need help with directions let me know. Remember the field is on Union Turnpike just West of Francis Lewis Blvd. Steve #16 (proud card carrying member of the Kennelmaster Club)
August 12, 2007
Leland Leads the way to another Knightdogs Victory
First off I would like to thank everyone on our team today. Everyone played hard, everyone played a team game, and we prevailed against a pretty good team. What more can you say about Leland.... In 21 playoff innings Leland has now given up 5 runs and had his first 2 strikeouts as a Knightdog. He kept Sheehan's off balance both games he pitched today. His playoff run average is now 1.67. Of course giving up so few runs means the rest of us have also played well behind him and we limited our mistakes. Great job to Kenny today as well and our offense let him down by not scoring for him. He had great stuff today and we should have won in 2 games. The defensive hi-lite today has to go to Craig where he made a spectacular diving catch... probably the best defensive play our team has seen all year and it came at a huge spot in the game. Other notables are Teo's awesome defense at 1B, scooping low throws up (ok and an up the line throw), and the DP combo of Kenric and Jared. Jared also made a great catch off of a line drive with the bases loaded to save a least 2 runs. All around everyone played a great defensive game shown by us giving up a total of 7 runs. On offense we had some great games as well... Teo Teo Teo. Need I say more???? If we played playoffs in October, he would be the new MR OCTOBER!!! Carl was a hit machine, and Jared, Jamie, Charlie, Kenric, Stan and John all came up with big hits and scored some huge runs. And last but not least special thanks to Howie.... keeping our defense focused letting us know where the batters tendencies are. Ok I admit it, and helping to keep my sanity!!!!!!! We all have a lot to be proud of. We have had some up and down times throughout this season but we have seemed to click at a perfect time. We have always known we had a very good team but playing with 10 every week put a strain on some of us and forced some of us to play through injuries and/or out of position. For us to win, we need everyone contributing in one way or another. That's what good team's do and the Knightdogs have now proven that we are a damn good team with a bunch of great guys. As soon as we find out about Sunday's game we will forward everyone the info. Keep in mind when our opponent finds out that we are a 10-16 team they will probably laugh and think they have an easy week and are playing a crappy team. I know that thought really pisses me off and I know they won't know what hit them when we are on the field on Sunday. Have a great week everyone and be on the lookout for the schedule for Sunday.
August 6, 2007
Round 1 Playoff Sweep!
Today was a great day in the brief history of the Knightdogs. We played as a team, we encouraged one another, we had timely hitting, great pitching, we made some stellar defensive plays (except me on those short pops ups where the sun blinded me. oy vey!! i swear i have never done that before!!) It was all around 2 very good wins We were a team today. Leland was amazing today. 1 run, no walks and only 2 balls hit somewhat hard. And definitely congratulations to Tony for getting his 1st Knightdogs victory and he is looking more and more like the Tony I knew from the Bronx last year where he had an ERA of under 4... in fact many of his pitches today were better than he even threw last year.. I think we won just about every inning and when they scored runs, we came right back. Everyone contributed from the top of the lineup to the bottom. The 1st inning of the 1st game may have been the key to the game when we put up 5 runs after giving up 3 runs all with 2 outs. That was HUGE, as was Teo's PH homerun which extended our lead. Today was a fun day for me for many reasons. Winning is fun. We limited the # of mistakes, helped each other out when we needed to and we all encouraged one another. These are things that make a good team. Lets focus on next week and we should know by tomorrow night when and where the next games are.
July 22, 2007
Knightdogs fall twice, one very ugly
Well it happened.... We had our worst game since our founding last fall. Today I only want to mention the positives... Kenny and Leland both pitched very well. Hats off to them. Jared got 3 hits today and seems to have found his stroke playing modified. Kenric made some nice catches playing out of position RCF and had 2 amazing throws home. (even if 1 of them hit Kenny in the head!!) John had a clutch 3 RBI double. Carl made another amazing catch in RF. Craig as always had some daring baserunning and a few nice catches. Charlie hit the ball hard a few times to fall to some bad luck. Last week we won as a team today we lost as a team. Next weeks game is at Flushing Meadows Park, Field 15 at 1:00. (It is the field along the Grand Central/Jewel Avenue with our Own McCovey's Cove)
July 15, 2007
Kings of Splits. great job everyone today
As in typical Knightdogs tradition, we split today. Hats off to everyone as we beat a very good team not to mention La Familia were a bunch of decent guys. Kenny and Tony both pitched very well. We battled in game 1, but we just didnt hit as we only managed 4 hits, even with some good batting practice before the game. Losing Teo early in our game hurt us and we all wish his leg gets better very soon. Nonetheless, we battled, played smart, and minimized our mistakes. Take note that La Familia did not make any defensive mistakes in either game. which is clearly the reason they are 18-6. Game 2 was different. We had timely hitting, once again from Stan and John. Carl got his stroke back. And the defense had many web gems- John had a few, as did Jamie, Kenric, Jared, and Carl. The Kennelmaster was awesome today again and looks like he got his form back to where it was last year, if not better! As we were saying all along, we have a very good team that just needs to be there and play together. We are starting to do that and teams will soon fear the Knightdogs. Next weeks game is at Alley Pond #2 (Winchester Ave/Creedmoor). Game time is 1:00.
July 8, 2007
Knightdogs Battle Hard, Fall Twice
I have to say there are many things we are proud of today. First off, the effort we put into the second game. That was the best team we have played yet with probably the best pitcher we have faced to date and we certainly played well enough to win. Kennel-master Kenny was awesome. Craig was all around amazing today, with some hi-lite film catches, and even with his arm pain, he gunned out several runners. (he must have been watching Beltran last night!!!) John also made some outstanding catches and a very rare OF unassisted double play!!! Then we have another week of Stan having some clutch hits.... Carl looked like a natural at 2nd base after playing 3B, SS, 1B, RF over the past few weeks. Teo was solid all around, and we hope his leg heals very quickly. Kenric was constantly on base and made some nifty plays at SS. We battled back hard in the 1st game and if the game lasted another inning or 2, we may have prevailed. Leland had some bad luck with balls just falling in open spots just out of reach. Special thanks to Howie.... Unable to play on the field, he put in a great effort and tremendously helped out our defense with positioning and awareness of our opposition. A true team player. We would also like to welcome Jared to our team. Recently moved from Colorado, Jared lives in NYC and was solid in his Knightdogs debut. Our next 3 games are: July 15- Cunningham #9 (73rd & Clearview) vs La Familia @ 12:30 July 22- Alley Pond #2 (Winchester/Creedmoor) vs Wolfpack @ 1:00 July 29- Flushing Meadow Park # 15 (our own McCovey's Cove) vs. Latino TV @ 1:00 PM
July 1, 2007
Knightdogs SWEEP
Yes, we swept. Game 1 we played very well. Kenny is looking more and more like his old self shutting the opposing batters down. Our defense was solid led by Jamie, John,Teo and Carl. Clutch hitting by Craig and a blast by Teo led the way. Special note to John as well. We played a pretty solid game with a few mental mistakes. They battled back and in the top of the 7th we shut the door on them by adding 2 more runs. The second game Tony kept them off balance and once again came back to win. Tony pitched well enough to win but they came back with 2 off Leland in the last inning to tie it up. (BAD DEFENSE!!!) But the Knightdogs fought back, we loaded the bases with no outs and Craig hit us to victory! Hats off for once to blue as well as he was fair, moved the game along, and kicked the criquet players off!!! woo hoo. 7 different people had runs in the 2nd game including 6 runs for the bottom 5 in the lineup and we also walked 9 times. Keep that in mind for future games how important walks can be. Great job everyone today.
June 24, 2007
Knightdogs fall twice
Since I wasn't there, I can only go by the feedback I heard regarding these 2 games. Game 1- Kenny pitched well but the defense let him down. Game 2- Tony pitched his best game to date for the Knightdogs though we didn't score for him. Lots of people were missing and it was a tough week.
June 17, 2007
Welcome Back Leland- Yes we split with a great win
Wow- what a great 2nd game. Great defense, great pitching, timely hitting (welcome back Charlie!) We had like 3-4 OF assists. We came back from being down 3-0 and 5-3 after getting our butts kicked in the 1st game. We showed once again that the Knightdogs do not quit. Thanks to Dave and Jamie for helping out. Also very much thanks to Teo, Carl and everyone else who moves around from position to position. Here is the dramatic re-enhancement version also known as the "ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT" or "Fox News" version of what happened in the first game. "And the the LCF John was on a rampage in the 2nd inning and we quote 'yo you mutha fucka umpire that ball was mutha fuckin foul and you are mutha fucking blind not to mention stupid.' Evidently that is what blue heard since he kicked him out of the game on the most rediculous ejection I have ever seen. Pure Bullshit. Kenny pitched a very good game. But regardless how the blue was against us, we still didnt hit. The 2nd game was probably one of our best since we became a team last year. We still have some basic issues that we need to discuss- basic baseball things, not limited to today. ie moving runners over at certain times, hitting cutoffs, IF and OF communication including calling loudly for balls, which means IF and OF and knowing when OF's call a flyball, it becomes their flyball, etc etc. Errors happen and no one wants to make an error or do bad. However, playing smart and staying focussed of the situation, which means for every pitch will be something that will help us cross the hump of a .500 season. Anyways, let's celebrate this game and look forward to next week.
June 10, 2007
And Another Split..... Where's Leland?
Once again we split- this time with many more positives than negatives to talk about. Kenny pitched much more like he did last year. Stan had some clutch hits and played a solid D. Carl filled in nicely at 3B. John & Teo bombed HR's again against a pretty good OF. Everyone is starting to look more comfortable with each other and now it is time for our defense to start clicking again like we did last year. Our offense has come alive of recent and today we were much more patient at the plate than we have been and drew some key walks which turned into runs. On another very positive note, Leland has rejoined our team starting next week. Lets win 2 games next week, get back to .500 and move forward from there.
June 10, 2007
Kings of Split & Tales of Ken Vol. III by Tony
We continue our careers as the KINGS OF SPLIT - today's games brought out the best in the young old and in-between - how about young STAN leading the offense and playing sparkling defense - and old-timer KEN THROWING a great game for the V in game 2 (w/o his best stuff) - and STEVE (the in-between) shining in the relief role w/ 4 ks! (with a bad back). KNIGHTDOG NEWS - old pal LELAND was a visitor at the game and has rejoined the team -- welcome back LEE--- TALES OF KEN VOL. III - KENDOG rather animatedly expressed his preference that no one speak to him while he's pitching - i suspect he really doesn't want to be spoken to in english, a language with which he has difficulty -- ANYONE KNOW HOW TO SAY "JUST THROW STRIKES" IN VULCAN? GOD SAVE CHARLIE IS OFF THIS WEEK.
June 3, 2007
Another split- though lots of runs
First off- we looked damn good in our new jerseys. Game 1 review- started and ended the game a little sluggish- besides that we had an excellent game- Charlie came in early in relief and pitched a very good game. Teo's hitting is BACK!!! John also had a few monster HR's today and we had lots of timely hitting. Game 2 we struggled with walks. That was the whole story- our bats were great and we kept battling back- John, and Teo were hitting the ball to different zip codes, Steve, Howie, Matt, Kenric, Stan, Tom, and Carl all came through with big hits. Stan made an awesome catch in RCF and will be starting in RCF next week. Tom was very solid again at 2B and has definitely been the most improved player this year.
May 20, 2007
Ok we split against a team we should have swept
Bad defense and untimely hitting. That was game 1. Game 2 was still shaky defense but better hitting. First off, thanks to Lamont, Pito and Will for coming down to help out. Here are the positives. Teo appears to be getting his stroke back and once again plays amazing D at 1B. Tom's bat and D once again has been very strong. Craig is a hit machine and always knows how to steal an extra base. John and Stan always solid on D and hitting, both having monster HR's. Honestly I will not be critical of other plays as once again we had many people out of their usual positions. Let's face it, when I am playing SS something is wrong!!!! (ps I needed a bigger glove on 2 of those line drives as they both hit my glove) Anyways we won the 2nd game and we have to take that emotion into the next game. Winning is much more fun than losing. We are a much better team than the way we have been playing. Focus Focus Focus. That's my sermon on the mount for today. Next game- 2 weeks away. Next week we are off for Memorial Day, and don't forget thank a Veteran for their service and give respect to all who lost their lives fighting for us.
May 13, 2007
We need to get serious, STARTING NOW
Ok we played today and got beat 2 games. We did not look like a team. We were scrambling around and looked like a below average team. I am not pointing any fingers and I am not one to remove myself from some of the responsibility. I was a terrible fielder today and my apologies to everyone. We need to have a full squad. It was nice to bring in Carlos and Ray, (and Carlos pitched an amazing game) but we need everyone to play every week. Yes things come up and today was really a bad day to play because of Mother's Day. On a very positive note, Carl played one amazing game in a very windy outfield. He was clearly our star today with honorable mention to Craig with his 2 Home Runs. Let's go down to the field next week, with our game faces on, get serious and kick some ass. Winning is fun. I don't know about all of you, but I am very upset, angry, and pissed off that we haven't played better. On the last note, the schedule through June 27 is posted. All games are at 1:00 except the one game at Vleigh Field, which is at 12. Next week we are at the same field as today, Flushing Meadows 15.
May 12, 2007
Directions to Flushing Meadows Field 15
week 4 -- gametime 12:30 - field is flushing meadow 15 -- take van wyck to jewel ave exit - then jewel going south (towards brooklyn not boston) to the entrance to the GRANDCENTRAL PKWY towards the triborough -- only dont get on the granny bear RIGHT to the the parking lot -- let's meet in the parking lot and we'll all walk together to the beautiful field w/ flushing bay just beyond right field - -our own little mccovey cove --- now if only paul were still around with those steroids! btw it's MOTHER'S DAY so i hope all you mothers will show up----
May 6, 2007
Knightdogs Split- Come from behind win
We got our first "real" win today. There were lots of positves to talk about and some negatives. Our defense had shaky moments but in fairness to everyone, many people were out of their regular positions. Charlie made his OF debut, Craig his SS debut, Howie his 1B debut, Kenny & Tony C Debuts, Teo RCF debut, Stan his LF debut. Everyone gave a great effort and I am sure we can all learn from this for the future. Now the positives. Charlie and Steve got their strokes back. WOW Charlie- a HR and 3B back to back!! Teo's amazing swing is almost back and is always solid in the field wherever he plays. Craig's baserunning has been incredible stretching singles to doubles. John bombed a few shots. Stan had an amazing day with the bat today. Tom was all around solid in Def and batting. Tony and Kenny both pitched well. Howie had some good AB's today without swinging over his head!! Too bad the groin is pulled.. bleh. So the 2007 season is in full form and we are starting to play the way we ended last year. We had a great team effort today and held a lead in a close game late in the game which was one of our achilles heels last year. Next week we can hopefully look for Matt, Mike, Kenric and Carl to be back!.
May 6, 2007
to celebrate our ist real win of the year i am reviving this post -game tradition - in seasons past every week charlie god bless him (and save him) would say something so astoundingly stupid i felt the need to share it ----this week the 5 oldtimers sat at the diner after the game comparing aches and pains --- howie's groin pull got this from charles: " well. i never used to get groin pulls until the last couple of years --- before that i didn't even know where the groin was!" CONGRATULAtions CHARLIE ON COMING UP BIG-TIME - IN THE HITS AND QUOTES~! GUARANTEED - ALL CHARLIE DIALOGUE GUARANTEED - VERBATIM.
April 29, 2007
Knightdogs get first 2 wins... by forfeit
hey everyone, well we got our first 2 wins today. After seeing everyone practice, I am very confident we would have won both games even if they showed up! Next week we will be at Alley Park. I will email everyone directions over the next couple of days.
April 22, 2007
Knightdogs fall twice on opening day
What can you say other that it was great to be back on the field. As a team we didn't play like one. We looked rusty, made mental mistakes, shaky pitching at times and very untimely hitting. We did not start where we left off last season. We really need to focus next week. Don't get me wrong, there were some positive notes such as Mike's defense (Tom's too), Craig, John and Matt's hitting, and Tony when he came in relief and shut them down in the 1st game. Next week the game is at the same time and same place.
April 10, 2007
The season opener is actually April 22. However we will practice this Sunday... time to be announced but figure around 12:00. We will be setting up a practice game.
April 8, 2007
Get Ready for April 15
Just to let everyone know, the opening of our season is next Sunday, April 15. We believe the game will start at 1:00 but as soon as we know we will let you know. Please check the locations of the games as well as they may not all be at Cunningham park. We will send out notices every week to let everyone know. We know we will have a great season with lots of wins.
March 25, 2007
Knightdogs tie 1-1 in 1st Exhibition Game
Great Defense. Great Pitching. SO SO Hitting. A game we really won- great catch Kenny (still doesnt make up for 2 drops) but nonetheless we looked very solid for 8 innings. See you all next week!
March 11, 2007
Knightdogs 1st Practice Game 3/18/07 @ 12:00
Ok so we know it's a day after St Paddy's Day and we are having our 1st practice game so I will give you some early advice. #1 Drink lots of water before going to bed. Trust me you will thank me in the morning. #2. Eat green cupcakes. No they wont do anything for you exept taste very good- beware of green bagels though- even as a die hard Jets fan I struggle with those. #3. If you see 3 balls coming at you, go for the one in the middle. It was nice to see everyone today to throw the ball around and hit some. See you all next week @ the same place.
November 19, 2006
Thank You For A Great Season
Well the season is officially over but we have lots to be proud of. On our initial season, we won 6 games, should have won more, and improved every week. We fought through some injuries and always battled every week until the game was over. Everyone contributed on this team. We are really looking forward to the summer league. Adiscussed we are looking to have a Knightdogs party on Sunday December 3, probably around 1:00 at a sports bar so we can watch some football while eating some food. We will probably do this around the Midway area as that seems to be a central location for everyone. More details to follow on it via email. Next season we are also looking to get jerseys. We are still working on a logo/colors etc but if anyone has ideas or art skills feel free to let me know. I sincerely appreciate everyone's effort and dedication week in and week out. We have lots of great things to look forward to for next season.
November 12, 2006
Knightdogs do the Crawl
Well our backs are to the wall but far from being out. The rain certainly put a damper on things today, and not having the game suspended after the first flood was insane, a flood that even Noah would have started building his ark with!!! But reality is this. As of this moment we are down by 5 with 2 innings to go. Not a big deal, we can come back. Tony and I are going to make calls to Jay & Diane to see if we can push the game back to when it was 2-0, as the conditions were very unfair, and we didn't want to go back on the field. I will let you know how that call goes. Kenny pitched a great game, Teo had some some awesome AB's and Tom was back to his old solid self at 2B. Thanks to Chi Chi and Jon for coming down to help us out... and Scott... that was one awesome crawl back to 2B!!! (Was that the real Wolves of Flatbush?) And for the one (and probably only) time I will mention something about myself on this board, my apologies to everyone for pulling an AROD today in terms of hitting.... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We aren't done yet. As soon as we know the time it will be posted, emailed and all of that good stuff. The playoff stats for the first game are updated.. click on the playoffs tab and/or the overall total tab from that page. That's all for now.
November 8, 2006
Playoff Schedule-11:30AM Field 15 vs. Deer Hunter
Our playoff series starts at 11:30 AM on Sunday... vs. the Deer Hunters. As it is a long day make sure everyone brings something to drink, something to keep warm (its supposed to be in the low 40's) and some food to munch on. That's my 2 cents!
November 5, 2006
Time to get ready for playoffs!
So our final week of our regular season has passed with a split to a team that swept us earlier in the year. The first game had some amazing defensive plays, great pitching and timely hitting, all keys to success. The second game had some good defense but our bats were flat and non-existent. Charlie snagged a groundball at first that Don Mattingly & Keith Hernandez would have been proud of! (yes politically correct to the yankee and mets fans) Once again John showed some amazing range in the OF tracking down fly ball after fly ball. Same thing with Craig. Kenric played one heck of a SS today showing his range, agility and always keeping his head in the game nailing the runner at the plate with a perfect strike to Scott. We can not forget the DP that was so close to being a Triple Play!!! argghhhhh. (next time) Next week we start over again with PLAYOFFS. (Best 2 of 3) We know how to win games and we have improved every week. We have to continue to play "smart", stay focussed and have fun. Lets extend our season by winning the series next week... I know I am not ready to end the season yet!!!
October 29, 2006
Week 6-SPLIT. Need to win both next week for .500
Overall we had a good day though it would have been nice to have taken both in preparation for the playoffs. What more can you say about Leland... he pitched an awesome game again, backed by solid defense. Charlie also pitched a damn good game with some bad breaks, just misses and a game that was terribly umpired. There was no possible way that Mike's ball was fair!!! The Queens Kings seemed more like Queens Babies or Kings Queens while they were wearing their skirts cheerleading in the 2nd game. Do I sound pissed? I am. They should learn to grow up especially being the fact that we schooled them in the 1st game. Enough of the negativity, we have a lot to be proud of and we have shown some very good signs over the past few weeks. Next week we will welcome Howie back from the horrible collision that has kept him out the last 4 weeks. (vacation too but collision sounds better!!!) Kenny will be back as well from being with his "girlfriend in the niagra falls area... you don't know her". PS Kenny, you can get laid in NYC too- its the capital of the world, you don't have to go to Boston!! Hopefully Paul will be back as well as he is also healing right now. So my advice is to stay focussed, keep it simple, and have fun.
October 22, 2006
Knightdogs SWEEP Incredibles.Incredible? Not Quite
Congrats to everyone for contributing to our first SWEEP. Awesome defense, Timely hitting, & GREAT pitching are clearly the formula for beating a first place team. 'Nuff can't be said about Charlie's hitting in the clutch... WOW. Kenny & Leland's pitching kept the Incredibles off balance all day and when they did make contact, our defense was as solid as it has been to date. Craig, John, Matt, Leland & Paul in the OF time after time kept runners from advancing to another base. Mike's D at short was shining again. Tom and Teo's D also solid on the right side of the IF. Scott & Charlie both called great games catching. And Welcome Back HOWIE!!! Great job setting up our defense and can't wait to see you back on the field!! Lets keep it up next week when we play the Queens Kings!
October 15, 2006
Week 5... Half way mark of season
So we made it to the half way point. Our record does not reflect what our team has done. We are not about lecturing anyone on days of the game, nor are we about criticism. Everyone has a positive attitude which makes playing every week fun and rewarding. Our offense is clicking. Everyone is contributing and I mean everyone. John, Teo and Charlie have been monster hitters. Mike, Tom, Kenric, Scott, Craig, Leland, Howie, & Paul have all been so consisent and we have a team batting average of .409 and a team on base pct of .457. Our defense has looked great at times and shaky at others. We are a new team and it takes time for everyone to click together, but we have to focus on the basics. We should have won the 2nd game today as Leland pitched a hell of a game. Kenny has been solid in everyone of his starts so far as well. We should have everyone back next week to start our preparation for the playoffs. Keep up the great work everyone, learn from mistakes, and have fun. We will win more games in our 1st season as the Knightdogs.
October 8, 2006
Week 4 Split-
Knightdogs rallied in the 2nd game after a 1st game loss late in the game... Our team is definitely coming together and we are becoming a HIT MACHINE!!
October 1, 2006
Week 3 - Rain Out
Week 3 was rained out... This game will be made up at a later date. Week 4 will be at 12:00 on field T4. See you all then.
September 24, 2006
KnightDogs look forward to week 3
So week 2 has ended... Game 1 was exciting and came down to the last 1/2 inning....... the team is definitely coming together.... Game 2 was tough. Leland was pitching great until a bad call extended an inning. I didn't know Kenny could stretch so far!!!
September 18, 2006
Congratulations to Everyone
Congratulations to everyone on our first win! Special Thanks to Tony for all of the hard work in putting our team together over the past few weeks.