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Age Division 6-7 Cheerleading (Cobb County): Basketball Training


Our one-on-one sessions are designed to give each player the individual attention needed to improve their basketball ability and take their game to the next skill level.  Sessions focus on identifying weaknesses and developing strategies and drills in an individual workout that will improve and punish each weakness while strengthening existing abilities in order to meet individual goals.  Sessions are intense and the player is pushed hard to accomplish their goal of improving their skill level.

From defense to offense, the player is evaluated and given instruction so they can progress and improve.  Catch and pivot, free throw shooting, defense, ball-handling,  quickness, stamina, movement without the ball, shooting with and without the dribble, low post moves, as well as other aspects of the game of basketball are evaluated and improved upon each training session.  Sessions are personal and designed to take the time allotted to improve that player's skill level and develop confidence and consistency in their abilities so they can advance in the game of basketball, and meet their personal basketball goals.


Our clinics focus on helping athletes improve their skills and develop their overall basketball games by teaching basic practice drills and emphasizing the fundamentals of basketball, eliminate weaknesses and develop strengths such as:

  • Ball Handling
  • Defense
  • Shooting
  • Coordination