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Bowling Rules
Tournament Rules*

*For finalized information, please check with the tournament directors (at participant check-In)


  1. The Western Cup XL (40) Tournament is a CTF and IGBO sanctioned tournament and maintains a Moral Support Sanction for non-members of other FIO recognized bowling organizations. The Moral Support Sanction permits the use of FIO recognized sanctioned league averages and tournament scores to determine a bowlers entering average for the tournament. All participants are subject to the CTF rules and jurisdiction for the event. The tournament is a mixed handicap competition open to men and women by invitation only.
  2. All participants must be a member of CTF, or qualify under the Moral Support sanctioning requirements and be able to provide proof of membership (current sanction card or signed statement from league secretary verifying membership). If the participant is not a member of CTF, he/she/they must pay the participation fee ($5) to be eligible to bowl, and if he/ she/they would like to be eligible for CTF awards then the full membership fee ($25) must be paid instead.
  3. The Western Cup XL tournament permits the participation of non-sanctioned bowlers, who shall use a minimum average of 130. Such bowlers shall be required to submit all league averages and tournament scores for possible re-rating. CTF permits the tournament manager to assign an average higher than the minimum average prior to participation. (CTF rule 319b)

Event Participation

  1. The tournament events shall be handicap events and are as follows: Singles, Doubles and Team and Individual All Events. Optional individual Scratch Divisions and optional Scratch Masters will not be offered.
  2. Each participant shall bowl three (3) games per event and must enter all three events. Teams will consist of four (4) members comprising any combination of men and women. Men and women will compete on an equal basis. Doubles partners must come from the same team.
  3. Each participant may bowl only once in each event.
  4. Only one (1) professional bowler per team will be allowed. A Professional Bowler is defined as any person who has been a “card—carrying” member of a professional bowling organization within the past twelve months preceding the Western Cup XL Tournament.

Awards and Prizes

  1. All cash awards shall be based on the total pins plus assigned handicap for each event.
  2. Awards will be given in the Handicap Division for the best Singles, Doubles, Team and Individual All Events. Individual All Events is defined as the nine (9) game total plus handicap of an individual bowler.
  3. The award ratio for the handicap division shall be a minimum of at least 1:10, with the exception of individual All Events. Individual All Events shall be a minimum of at least 1:20.
  4. Prizes will be distributed via cheque, or e-transfer, payable in Cdn currency within thirty (30) days of the completion of the tournament, barring any protests. A tie in positions 1-3 will result in a minimum 3-frame bowl off, with handicap, until the tie is broken. For ties in positions 4 or higher, the sum of the cash prizes will be aggregated for the tied positions and divided equally by the number of ties for that placing. Prize funds will be based on 100% participation.

Entering Averages

  1. Any bowler entering the Western Cup XL tournament must establish a ten-pin average acceptable to CTF. The following rules shall be used to determine the entering average:
  • Use the December 31, 2021/2022/2023 average with a minimum of 21 games. If competing in more than one league, the bowler MUST submit the HIGHEST AVERAGE of all leagues bowled.
  • The highest previous full-season (2022-2023) book average with a minimum of 21 games. If competing in more than one league, the bowler MUST submit the HIGHEST AVERAGE of all leagues bowled.
  • If no book average is available, use the highest final 2021/2022/2023 summer league average with a minimum of 21 games. If competing in more than one league, the bowler MUST submit the HIGHEST summer league average of all leagues bowled.
  • If none of the above is available, use the highest book average from the 2019-2020 season, with minimum 21 games.
  • If none of the above is available, use the highest tournament average from a previous Western Cup XXXIX (39), XXXVIII (38), or XXXVII (37). 
The above averages MUST be verified by the use of:
  1. League standing sheet, signed and dated by League Officer, or
  2. Letter from League President or Secretary, or
  3. Photocopy of book average (with year noted) signed and dated by League Officer.
 Averages from “Sports Condition” leagues are not acceptable at any time.
  1. The handicap for the tournament shall be based at 100% of the difference between the bowler’s entering average (as determined above) and a scratch score of 230. Negative handicaps shall not apply.
  2. As the beginning date of the Western Cup XL Tournament, any bowler who has a qualified for a cash prize of three hundred dollars ($300 CDN) or more in any single event MUST report all positions and all amounts won and all scores for the previous 12 month period to the tournament director no later than at the time of registration for possible
    re-rating. Such re-rating must be done before the entrant bowls (CTF rules). Failure to report this information shall result in AUTOMATIC disqualification and loss of all winnings.
  3. The tournament director(s) have the authority to adjust the entering average of any bowler. Average adjustments will be applied as set forth under CTF rules. All average adjustments will be completed prior to the start of the tournament. A bowler unwilling to accept an average adjustment is entitled to a full refund. 
  4. CTF rules regarding the BOWLER’S responsibility to verify the accuracy of his/her entering average, whether submitted by the bowler, the team captain, or other, applies to all bowlers. Failure to use proper average shall disqualify scores if the submitted average is lower than the actual average, thereby resulting in a lower classification or more handicap. Prize winnings shall be based on the higher average if it is higher than the entering average. 

Re-rate Policy

  1. If a bowler has won $300 in any single event in the past twelve (12) months and has a minimum twenty-one (21) game average that is one (1) or more pins higher than their entering average for this tournament, they must use the higher tournament  average.
  2. If a bowler has a minimum eighteen (18) game tournament average (over the preceding 26 months) that is ten or more pins higher than their entering average for this tournament, they must use the higher tournament average.

Attendance and Substitutes

  1. It is solely and entirely the bowler’s responsibility to be present at the assigned lanes at the time of bowling. Each bowler shall have the total responsibility to arrive in time to bowl. Mechanical failures, transportation irregularities, improper directions and related reasons DO NOT alter the application of Rules 28 and 29 below (CTF rules will apply).
  2. Complete doubles and team entrants must be present for bowling each event. If a team member is not present the team may use an authorized substitute (CTF Rule 324). If no substitute is available, a zero score will be used for the missing bowler or bowlers.
  3. Late bowlers will begin bowling in the frame in which they are ready, with prior frames being scored as zero. No practice balls will be allowed for late bowlers.
  4. Substitutes may bowl at the discretion of the tournament director(s). Their entering averages must comply with the rules previously stated. Substitutes must complete an entry form.
  5. Bowlers will be allowed two (2) practice balls on each lane per event.
  6. Partial team entries will be accepted and the tournament director(s) will make every effort to fill vacancies.

Scoring Errors

  1. After a score has been recorded, it cannot be changed unless there has been an obvious error in scoring or calculation. Obvious errors must be corrected by a tournament official immediately upon discovery. Questionable errors must be reported to a tournament official within two (2) hours of the error, and will be decided by tournament management. (CTF rule 327b).

Protests and Appeals

  1. A protest or appeal involving eligibility or playing rules must be filed with the tournament management, the local association or CTF within 72 hours. The protest or appeal must be in writing and the grounds for the protest or appeal briefly stated. An appeal regarding the decision of the tournament management or local association may be made to CTF. The decision of CTF is final and binding on all involved parties. Prizes for the positions affected cannot be distributed until the protest or appeal is resolved. (CTF rule 329)
  2. All other CTF rules will apply.


  1. Any person attending and requiring special needs MUST notify the tournament director(s) in writing.
  2. The entrant MUST sign the check-in form prior to bowling, acknowledging he/she has read the rules
  3. Only Western Cup sanctioned announcements and fund-raising are permitted



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