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Important Forms and Documents

EKMHA Managers Quick Reference Guide

EKMHA Interdistrict Travel 

This form is to be used when playing exhibition games 1) within the EKMHA District but not league play, 2) any games outside the EKMHA District that are not league play and within BC, or 3) tournaments being attended within BC.

Out of Province Tournaments/Exhibition Games 

This form is to be used when playing exhibition games or tournaments beyond the BC border (Alberta, other provinces, or the USA)

EKMHA Player Relief Form

This form is to be used when requesting additional players for league game only. Please note there are limitations on when relief players can be used.  Details are on the form.

Tournament Form

This form is to be filled in when hosting a tournament.  Please also read the section on Hosting Tournaments for more explanation.

EKMHA Move With Parent

This form is to be used when requesting to transfer associations due to the parents moving to new communities.  This applies to new families moving into the district and any families moving within the district.

EKMHA Overage Player Request Form

Please note that overage player requests will be voted on at an EKMHA meeting and carded teams cannot have overage players.

EKMHA Move Without Parent

This form is to be used when requesting to transfer associations without an actual change in residency of the player.  Example would be the Regional Zone Team.

EKMHA Zone Tryout Acknowledgement Form

This form is to be used by the minor hockey associations to acknowledge that a player is registered with their association and is in good standing prior to that player attending the EKMHA Zone tryouts.

Hockey Canada Injury Report

Recreational Tournament Team Request Form

EKMHA Master Game Schedule Worksheet

EK Avalanche Tier 1 U15 AA and U18AA Forms for Main camp:

EK Acknowledgment AA Tryouts
EK Avalanche Tryouts


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