Valdosta Lowndes Soccer Club
2004 Annual Meeting
March 10, 2004
1. Election of Officers:
Nominees are: President - Craig Solomon; Vice President - Chris Willis; Treasurer/Registrar - Dr. Rick Howard; GYSA Representative - Dave Bechler; Secretary - Karen Rowland; Equip. Mgr. - Thad (Chip) Burt; Web Master - Steve Ruggiero; Researcher - Leslie Darley (Moody AFB Rep.) in conjunction with Valdosta Boys & Girls Club. All nominees were elected into office unanimously. It was determined that positions should be filled immediately.
2. Who are we and how do we get our name out?
Several people brought up the fact that the VLSC needs to get the word out to the local public. We have to let people know that we offer something different than Parks & Rec. and VB&GC. We offer competition (select) teams that compete statewide, more educated and experienced coaches, trained referees, and the expertise to run clinics and focused training.
Suggestions for getting more exposure and visibility were: bumper stickers, magnetic soccer balls for cars with "VLSC" on them, car flags, a league banner, and use of a league logo on items (either a new design or the current one). Chip Burt was asked to look into updating the club logo.
Bill Carter, from Columbia, was mentioned as a possible Director of Coaching. His job would entail working with all teams occasionally on specific skills or strategies and to provide training advice to the coaches. He said that although he was willing to do the job, he is very busy and unsure about how much time he would be able to spend on it.
3. Our affiliation with the Valdosta Boys and Girls Club: Craig Solomon explained that being affiliated with the VB&GC will be a bonus for us because it will provide a large pool of players in which to form competition (select) teams and since we have to have a recreation team for every select team, the VB&GC will provide those. The VB&GC can also provide help with clinics and mailings (getting our name out there!) The VB&GC is willing to get their GYSA certification, and in doing so will move their seasons to correspond with the rest of Georgia. Working with the VB&GC, we can build enthusiasm for soccer in Valdosta, and through the recreation teams, train and encourage future soccer players from an early age.
4. Old Business:
Craig Solomon explained the idea of hosting a Challenge Sports 3v3 tournament here. He discussed possible times, where we would have it, what we would be responsible for, what expenses we would incur, profits we would make, etc. It was suggested that he contact Marty Brown, of the Valdosta Chamber of Commerce (?) about a financial scholarship to help out the club. After much discussion and agreement that it was a good idea, a proposal was made that the final decision should be postponed until Craig could get us more concrete information about time, place, and sponsors. It was also proposed and voted in that when that information was acquired, the determination on whether we would elect to do the tournament would be made by the executive board rather than having another whole club meeting or vote.
Craig brought up the need to have land to build our own soccer fields. It was suggested that 10 to 13 acres would be needed. Craig encouraged everyone to talk with anyone they knew who owned land in the county who might be interested in donating it to the club.
Craig suggested that we might start to try to get sponsors. He suggested a $50 sponsor fee so that it could come from businesses or relatives. Each sponsor's donation would stay with the team (age group) that solicited it. This money would be used for scholarship/financial aid and to offset tournament fees.
It was suggested that we try to get involved in the upcoming VSU soccer tournament in order to get more visibility. Dave Bechler is going to find out more information.
5. New Business:
Leslie Darley, Moody AFB You |