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Dorval Women’s Ball Hockey League (DWBHL)
Player Profile #3
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This week's featured player: ROSIE BERARD

Current Team: Grey #11
Position: Defence
Shoots: Right
Birthday: February 1st
Rosie tidbit (and totally useless fact): Rosie has THE smallest hands/fingers ever. Ask her to the show you :)

Well, what can I say about our Rosie...I mean, it's ROSIE!!! Rosie joined the league back in the early 90's, not long after the GST tax was introduced and the Toronto Blue Jays won the world series (yes, my intention was to make it sound like it was a LONG time ago :)

Rosie has made a name for herself in this league; she's the "enforcer" of the DWBHL, and anyone who has come up against her knows that size doesn't matter. She may be small, but she's tough as nails.The term "bouffer" was invented because of Rosie :)

Not only does Rosie have a strong presence on the rink, she also has been a big supporter of the league administratively. Rosie's been a committee member a few times and always has the league's best interest at heart. Thank you Rosie!

One last "little" thing that might deserve a mention, is the fact that Miss Rosie recently climbed a mountain. That's right, Mt Kilimanjaro baby! If you missed it, you can check out the link on our facebook page.  Way to go Rosie!

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