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Bulldog Flyers 2009
Too many gaffes burn Flyers against very strong and unbeaten Blue Flames
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After a very impressive win last week against the strong Black Eagles, our Flyers were hoping to ride that momentum in a battle this week against the unbeaten (3-0-2) Blue Flames.....and the first few minutes of this game were a good indication of things to come -- a goal-fest....

Just 2 minutes into the 1st period, the Blue Flames scored on a rebound of a point shot....but barely 30 seconds later, Prevost put home a back-hand rebound off a Bernie bomb, and not even 30 seconds after that, Prevs notched another goal again on a back-hand rebound this time off a Billy bomb.....then the Blue Flames tied it up quickly on a seeing-eye long shot through traffic.....but on the ensuing play, Rich (who's playing Fwd for us now) made a quick pass over to spare Terry who launched a one-timer to give us a 3-2 lead and the game was only about 4 minutes old.....there would be no scoring for the next 7-8 minutes with both goalies making some good saves, but then in a 2-minute span, the Blue Flames scored 3 goals in a row as we had breakdowns from our Fwds or D-men covering their man or our goalie Yeates not having his angles right.....but with about 5 mins left in the period, Prevost would cap off his 1st period hat-trick again on a rebound.....making the score 5-4 for the bad guys after 1 period....

A few mins into the 2nd period, the teams exchanged goals with ours coming from another one-timer from Terry off another great feed from Richie.....but then the wheels fell of the bus again for our Flyers as we again allowed 3 straight goals in less than 2 minutes with more bad gaffes by a few of our Flyers....then after D-man Billy again broke up a play at half and then walked in and fired a nice goal, the Blue Flames would make it 10-6 as a long shot went off one of our D behind Yeates......but Terry would get that one back as he completed his hat-trick this time on big blast after a nice cross-floor pass from Rich.....and there would be no goals for the final 8-9 mins of the 2nd again with both goalies making some good saves to keep the game 10-7....

On the second shift of the 3rd period, Terry scored again and again it was on a top-corner canon off another smart pass from Rich.....then no goals for the next 7-8 mins until Terry would break up a play near half and smartly used their D-man as a screen to score his 5th goal of the game (and a natural hat-trick for his 3rd, 4th, and 5th goals) --- so our Flyers were now within 1 goal with about 10 mins left to play.....but then our team had a collective defensive collapse again as the Blue Flames would again get a couple of quick goals, and both on odd-man situations, one being a 3-on-1......with about 6 mins left, D-man Bernie made it 12-10 with one of his trademark bombs......but the Blue Flames would get the last goal of the game on a bad bounce off the back wall to make the final 13-10.....

Usually 10 goals especially against such a good team would be enough to win --- but from our goalie, to our D-men, to our Fwds --- we all made bad blunders to contribute to the 13 goals against us.....

Stats for the game: Prevs 3G......Bernie 1G, 1A.....Billy 1G, 2A.....Terry 5G.....Richie 5A....

Flyers 3 Stars as voted by our teammates:

---- #1 ---- with the voting as close as can be, the edge goes to Prevost not only for his impressive hat-trick, but he also could have had at least 3 more goals with all the havoc he created -- and just as impressive is Prevs made several terrific break-ups in our zone, and he also deserves credit for keeping his cool despite being hacked at and even tackled by one of their goons....

---- #2 ---- goes to our spare Terry who's clearly getting much more used to the style and size of our gym as he notched 5 goals and actually he too could have had a few more with his many good shots on net......"TO" also gets kudos for keeping his cool throughout the game.....

---- #3 ---- easily goes to our plate-setter in this game --- Richie --- who amassed 5 assists, 4 of which were excellent passes setting up Terry's shots......and Richie also put in a lot of effort at defending our zone.....

Honourable mention goes to rearguard Billy who did some great things with the ball on his stick getting 1G and 2A and he also had 4-5 other dangerous chances......the only vote going to another player was for Captain Patty who was noticed for shutting down one of the elite players on the Blue Flames.....

It doesn't get any easier next week at 10:00pm as we face the 1st-place unbeaten Godfathers --- but they aren't that much better (if at all) than the Blue Flames (who tied the Godfathers) and the Road Apples held a 3rd-period lead against the Godfathers this week, but they came back to win 7-5......so if we can eliminate our bad mistakes covering our men and get the key saves we often get, we should be able to give these Godfathers a great battle....

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In Flyers last game, our short-staffed squad secures the "A-" Championship!
In a very tough battle right to the end, Flyers clip the Black Eagles
Road Apples were just rotten in surely the biggest blowout in our history
Young Nordiques scrappy play upsets our favoured Flyers in crushing loss
As always, a good tough battle right to the end against ripe Road Apples
After shaky 1st, Flyers notch 3 hat-tricks in crushing the juvenile Nords
Bulldog Flyers

Martial Arts, A5-35 stock holder, Terry O'Reilly Wanna-Be, and likes to be "Rockin' Down the Highway" in his Toyota Corolla wearing a Russian Bear toque and sipping French Vanilla coffee, Perry is also a "disgruntled..pi$$ed off ...had it up to here...Bruins fan"