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JULY 25, 2024

Gray-White Differentiation

Gray-White Differentiation


Tonight’s B2 Carmel Hockey by the Highways, Byways, and Roundabouts is brought to you in part by Gray-White differentiation.  It’s difficult to pinpoint the seat of hockey consciousness, and one wonders about statistically significant differences in passing the puck to the wrong team when the teams are basically wearing the same color versus sharply contrasting jersey colors.  Tonight’s legendary clash was a classic matchup pitting a white team (White Zombies) against America’s light silver Team (Long Jon Silvers), so it was amazing to see our heroes differentiating jerseys that are almost indistinguishable.  I think that the referees could only see light colored jerseys when crediting assists, and luckily the Zombies didn’t score much, so it made easy work for them.  Foreshadowing aside, summer league often presents unique opportunities and rivalries.  KO and the Golden Child deserve credit for playing in a second game and giving America’s team the perfect number of skaters, 10.  There is no other number as perfect as 10 skaters.


The Zombies were missing their motivational namesake captain tonight, so you knew that they would be several clicks less fierce.  I specifically tried to intimidate the biggest Zombies in the pregame, and I threatened to bring the foil if necessary.  Americans brought a mighty first line, featuring Doucette at center, and Zuziak and Lombardo at the wings.  Zuziak got in early on a breakaway 91 seconds into the game, and he scored.  The refs didn’t credit anyone else, and Big Nate was setting the stage for a Big Night.


Later in the first period, Zuziak scored again from Doucette at 7:56, and the referees could not ignore this set up.  Zombie’s Zombies were getting chances throughout the first period, but Tolle had a magic glove tonight, snapping up all chances, as if pucks moved in slow motion (some of the shots were in fact moving very fast).  It was 2-0 to end the first period, and I was feeling comfortable on my mercenary line with Goldey and KO.  


It was a tight game with excellent goaltending, especially on the side of America, but Doucette broke through the malaise with another semi-breakaway goal at 14:18.  Again, the referees did not credit any assists.  I am 37% confident that it was a Meier pass for this game winning goal, but we will need video confirmation in these times of cheap fakes.  


A couple minutes later, America’s Team went up 4-0 on a blistering shot from the point.  Miotke rifled one straight at me in front of the net.  I tipped it about mid shaft and hip high.  I thought that it went into the netting over the glass, but it was in the net.  4-0 was the dominating score after two periods.  Duggan quietly orchestrated and led a defensive strategy to stifle a Zombie team that normally scores quite a few goals per game,


Jimmy was not happy at this point.  White Zombies adapted and made a fabulous Five lineup:  Copland, Hennessy, Peterson, Kiel, and Fruehman.  It was a fearsome five in the third period.  The player of the game, Tolle goalie, stood tall.  Copland scored a couple of goals in the third period to make it interesting after Zuziak scored his hat trick to make it 5-0 to start the third period.  Of course, the refs had two assists for each of Copland’s goals because they were nice team plays.  But, the Long Jon Silvers, America’s team, hired the right mercenaries tonight.  Old man, Golden Beard, scored the final couple of goals to secure the fourth win of the season for your beloved marauders.  7-2 final for America.


Next week is a big matchup against the Golden Showers in the penultimate game of the summer session.  Second place seeding might be on the line for your heroes.  Tune in next week for more thrilling action.


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