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Dorval Women’s Ball Hockey League (DWBHL)
Player Profile #2
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This week's featured player:  GLORIA CHEAL

Current Team: Maroon #10
Position: Center
Shoots: Right
Birthday: April 20th
Something you may not know about Gloria (besides the fact that she's like a brick wall in front of the net): She's a chemist :)

Gloria has been a member of the D.W.B.H.L for over 10 years now, and has been a major player since her first season. Se has consistently finished in or near the Top 5 in scoring, actually claiming the Top Scorer title in 2005, 2007, and 2009.

Gloria is also a stellar softball and basketball player, and I'm sure every other sport possible. She's just one of those players that you'd definitely rather have on your team than against; trust me I've been on both sides :) but no matter how solid and intimidating Gloria may be, she's one of the nicest gals in the league! We can always count on her for her feedback and support in keeping the league going. Cheers to Gloria!

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