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MARCH 19, 2024

Game one and two wrap up

Game one and two wrap up


We were entertained to two great games over the past few weeks. Innisfail and Stony Plain renewed their historic rivalry with lots on the line. Each team was looking to get a head start on their pursuit of the Allan Cup. 

Game one 

We head to Innisfail for game one, which quite quickly became a spirited a fair. Innisfail would open up the scoring 4 minutes into the game, with Stony Plain responding a mere 30seconds later. Innisfail would score again just over halfway into the period to make it 2-1 Innisfail. Stony would again answer with two goals that were just under a minute apart. A fast start in game one as both teams were looking to gain control early. However it would be Stony who would come out on top 3-2 after the first. 

No goals would be scored in the second and it would remain 2-1 for Stony Plain. This period saw lots of back and forth action with teams trading chances. Penalties would slow down the pace of play in this period, with teams combining for 5 penalties. The physicality of the game would pick up in period two, as to be expected with half the period being penalties. However, overall we were treated to a spirited period where both teams were looking to gain advantage heading into the third. 

Period three we would see a five goal outburst from Innisfail. A goaltending change was not enough to stop the bleeding for Stony Plain. The physicality would carry over with each teams exchanging blows at one another. Some big hits were thrown that engaged the crowd and the after whistle scrums added to the entertainment. Innisfail would come out on top 7-3, taking game one and a 1-0 series lead. 

Game two

We head to Stony Plain for game two where Innisfail is looking to gain a 2-0 series strangle hold, with Stony Plain looking to use home ice to get back in the series. Similar to game one, scoring would start early with Stony Plain taking a 1-0 lead with just over 8 minutes played in period one. Innisfail would respond two minutes later to tie it 1-1. Innisfail would answer again with 3:34 to go in the period and take the 2-1 lead heading into the intermission. Innisfail would add two goals in the second with Stony Plain responding with 1. It would end up 4-2 Innisfail after period two.

Period three is where things really started to open up. Innisfail would score early and often, putting up six goals in the period. Stony would answer with two goals of their own as the game would open up for a brief five minute period. Teams would score four goals within this five minute span. Each team would score a rare shorthanded goal and even a power play goal was scored. These five minutes were as wild as they came so far in two playoff games and 12 regular season games. Innisfail would take the win with a 10-4 final, taking a 2-0 series lead. 

Innisfail looks to win the series this Friday at home. Game time is 8pm, while Stony Plain lives to fight another day and extend the series to Saturday night back in Stony Plain. 


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