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16th Annual White Spot Bantam AAA Hockey Tournament: Notice Board
January 14, 2007
Grande Prairie Storm Take 1st Place!
Grande Prairie Storm defeat the host team by a score of 5 to 1, taking 1st place!
January 14, 2007
Thank You!
Thank You to all of the teams and fans who made the trip to Prince George. We look forward to seeing you all again in the world of hockey. We wish all of you safe travel home!
January 13, 2007
Statistics not quite up to date until Sunday
Sorry folks! One game sheet didn't make it into the web site stats. We'll have it up to date as early as possible on Sunday morning. Some of the player stats will be altered once the last sheet is entered.
January 12, 2007
Day 1!
The first game of the tournament starts in an hour! Good luck to all the teams. We hope that the competition is enjoyable for all participants!
January 12, 2007
1st Day Complete
6 games completed today. Very enjoyable hockey to watch.
January 12, 2007
Stats accuracy
Please note that stats will be entered according the official game sheets. Some things like affiliate players being added late may take some time to get the right details. If something jumps out at you please send an e-mail with the details for us to investigate.
January 9, 2007
Drop a note in the Guest Book!
If you're visiting the site, let us know you were here. Maybe comment on the site so we know if we should consider this type of thing in the future! Thank you! Link to Guest book: http://www.esportsdesk.com/leagues/guestbook_entry.cfm?leagueID=8047&clientID=3078
January 8, 2007
Tournament Web site Nearly Up to Date
We are in the process of inputing all of the tournament data such as schedule, team rosters, locations, links, etc. Please be patient and feel free to drop a friendly e-mail if you see a mistake. We're using the information as provided by each team, but mistakes happen. Thanks! Send e-mails to the site administrator by using the 'Contact Us' link to the left.