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MARCH 27, 2024

Game Three

Game Three


Innisfail would look to win their second consecutive championship, while Stony Plain would hope to extend the series to game four Saturday in Stony Plain. Both clubs have showcased some high end skill in this series, while remaining competitive despite the scores of the first two games. 

Game three would get underway right away with both teams showcasing their speed early. It was Stony Plain who would get on the board first, not even a minute into the game. Innisfail defender Jesse Lees would blow a tire, turning the puck over, luckily for Stony Plain Brett Njaa was in the right place in the high slot and was able to convert making it 1-0 Stony Plain early. Innisfail would storm right back and would score two goals within 2:45 giving the host a 2-1 lead. Chase Thudium and Jesse Lees would respond for Innisfail. With the goals out of the way, our teams would then settle in, with Innisfail pouring it on. Stony Plain would bend but not break, holding out on a period that could have opened up. Shots at the end of the first favored Innisfail 17-7.

Period two would begin and each team would exchange chances early, each team had chances off the rush, however the netminders Colton Iwaschuk and Brodan Salmond would hold strong. Innisfail would again start to put the peddle down and began to dictate the play near the end of the period. They would again score two quick goals roughly one minute apart. With Ty Clay and Colten Hayes scoring. Hayes would get a partial breakaway, where he would go in between the legs to score a phenomenal goal. This made it 4-1 Innisfail after two periods with shots favoring Innisfail 30-14.

Period three would become a feisty affair with both teams looking find some sort of advantage. Stony Plain would start to put the pressure on Innisfail, with many chances thrown towards the goalie. They would hit a post, and if not for a great pad save, it could of been a 4-3 game early into the third. Brodan Salmond would stand the test, keeping Innisfail's lead at 4-1. Chase Thudium would get his second of the game for Innisfail, making it 5-1 with just over four minutes played. Three minutes later, Stony Plain would answer with a goal of their own by Ryan Benn on the powerplay, cutting the lead to 5-2. Stony Plain would pull the goaltender with just under 3 minutes remaining, they would have Innisfail trapped in their own end for much of the final three minutes. They would not be able to convert however, with most of the play being kept to the perimeter, and some unlucky puck bounces that would clear the zone or end up on an Innisfail players stick and cleared. The final buzzer would go and Innisfail would take game three by a final score of 5-2. Shots would end 39-26 for Innisfail.

With the win, Innisfail would win the series, officially clinching the Chinook Hockey League and AB Sr AAA Provincial Championships. They will go on to represent all of Western Canada at the Allan Cup Challenge in Dundas Ontario in April. 


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