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AUGUST 8, 2024

A little taradiddle

A little taradiddle


Tonight’s B2 Carmel Hockey by the Highways, Byways, and Roundabouts is brought to you in part by a very fine taradiddle.  Elmar ran off with the scoresheets early in order to update the standings for the playoffs, so we are left with my cattywampus recollection of events this evening.  Our American heroes, the Long Jon Silvers, faced off against the Blue Chips, minus Rushford and Yahn (no offense to Morris, but he was missing too).  Farell played the mercenary role to get your favorite squad up to 9 skaters against a formidable 10 UCLA-jersey wearing wannabe beach patrol skaters.  The pregame psychological intimidation was average, but the collisions per period were up in this classic matchup of physical teams.


America was down several players that score lots of goals for your preferred platinum Silver team plan, so we knew that a fast start was crucial.  Schuster scored the first goal of the game for the Long Jon’s on a relentless scramble play in front of the net, off a rebound from his previous shot or two.  Pirates are a brotherhood, so no one knows who scores when we all change numbers every game.  I’m sure that the referees credited assists because they know how important of an ego boost this is.  The next shift, I got out there with Schuster, and this time I banged home a rebound off his shot.  Off course, Harter made the first save against me, but I am decent at continuing to wack away at a puck in the crease.  


The early 2-0 lead had Jon’s Silver a little relaxed.  At some point later in the first period, Morley caught a pass two lumbering strides from the blue line from let’s say Spahr.  He was moving quickly over the blue line for a Canadian bear, trying to split the defense with his big body style, and he caught our rent-a-goalie off guard with a shot that hit his glove, then bounced off the crossbar and in.  The Jon’s finished the first period up 2-1.


The tone was set for a defensive struggle, and Weaver’s strategy was to take out our goalie or die trying.  Billy the kid was going blazing fast in the first period, which led to two diving into home plate plays that we are all happy that no one got hurt.  Billy did score in the 2nd period on a really nice shot.  I know because I was too slow trying to get back to the slot to cover his wide openness from the point.  I’m going to say that Morrow passed it to him from the right corner, but don’t take my word for it.  Morrow took zero penalties, and that is spectacular.  It was 2-2 going into the third period.


Your favorite team was in fact dominating all night.  I’m guessing that we carried the play 75% of the time.  Credit due to Harter for making good saves.  Credit for him only knocking off the goal four times in the second period.  Once, he punched me in the face accidentally, so I tapped him on purpose.  And yes, the net came off.  I thought it was a penalty on me, so I immediately started explaining that Harter punched me first.  The ref had earlier cautioned me about Blue paint or something.  Blue chips, whatever.


Miotke was maybe our best player of the game.  After our two offensive lines settled in, he ran things as a centerman.  He was dipsy-doodling all night long.  In the third period, he controlled the puck in the left corner and set up a creeping Duggan for our third goal in the third period.  Harter had no chance on this one.  I will note that Morley told me at the start of the third period, Pickett called an upper corner for the win, Babe Ruth style.


Penalties plagued the last few minutes of the game, after Meier floated a true beauty from the point to put the Long Jon’s up 4-2.  Well placed slow-pitch softball slappers on a rolling puck next to the opposing bench going into the upper corner must be devastating.  


Playoffs?  Are you talking about playoffs?  After tonight’s 4-2 win, your Jon Jon’s secured the third seed in probably the most important playoffs of the summer for you America.  You should come to our game next week.  It’s a free event.  That’s as American as it comes.  See you next week.



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